Why B.A.S.I.C
The LLP-CYL programme is guided by the B.A.S.I.C (Being a Servant Leader in the Community) framework which serves a framing for what we do in student leadership development. Basically, the aim of the LLP is fundamental to the holistic education we provide in growing and developing community and youth leaders with a heart for service. It is also a reminder of our core belief and purpose in growing every KCPian to be a servant leader and scholar by passing on the legacy of our founding fathers to serve and lead.
Guiding Principles
The CYL programme at KCPSS is premised on the following key principles:
1. The leader is seen as a servant first.
Leadership journey of a KCPian begins with an answer to the call to serve and the giving of oneself to make the world he or she lives in a better place for all. It is this conscious decision to serve that creates the aspiration to lead.
2. Every student can be a leader.
Since the disposition to serve is a deliberate and conscious choice and not a talent or gift bestowed from birth, every KCPian can be a servant leader, if he or she chooses to be one.
3. Leadership is a journey of personal development.
The leadership journey of every KCPian will differ. Each KCPian will come to Kuo Chuan with unique strengths, struggles and social circumstances. Likewise, they will leave at varying phases of development to continue their journey beyond Kuo Chuan.