School Rules & Regulations
And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and men.
One of the deciding characteristics of an excellent and exciting school of choice is the self-discipline that the students exhibit. KCPians are values-driven and principle-centred, who readily maintain high standards in personal conduct, academic and CCA excellence. The rules and regulations are put in place to guide all KCPians towards these goals.
General Conduct
We respect and care for others in our school and in our community. We are proud of our school and we show it in our conduct.
- Be polite and well behaved at all times. Greet teachers, friends and visitors to the school.
- Obey and respect those in authority (Principal, Vice Principals, teachers, non-teaching staff and student leaders).
- Be considerate to others.
- Uphold the good name of the school at all times by your speech, deeds, attitude and attire both in and out of school. As an ambassador of the school, be well-groomed and well-behaved at all times, in all places, as an individual or in a group.
- During daily devotion and weekly chapel sessions, non-believers are to show respect to the Christian faith.
Assembly: Flag-raising ceremony
We observe the ceremony with dignity and respect. We are loyal to our country.
- Arrive in school by 7.20 am daily. Students who enter the school gate after 7.30 am are considered late.
- Listen attentively to the messages, devotion, or announcement delivered.
- Stand at attention (regardless of where you are) whenever the National Anthem and the school song are played.
- All Singapore citizens are to sing the National Anthem with pride, and recite the Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart.
- Foreign students are to stand at attention to respect the solemnity of the ceremony.
We are conscientious and value our time in school.
- Submit medical certificates / letters of excuse from parents or guardians / any other official documents to the form teacher immediately upon returning to school after their leave of absence during the morning assembly.
- Only TWO(2) letters of excuse from parents or guardians are accepted per semester, and the school reserves the right not to accept such letters of excuse.
- Be punctual for all school activities, e.g. flag-raising ceremonies, lessons, pastoral care period, CCA meetings and practices, and all other school organized events and activities.
- Late-comers must report to the General Office. Failure to do so is considered a offence.
- In the event of sudden illness while in school, seek permission from the school authority (Principal, Vice Principal, and HODs) to leave school early or to rest in the school’s sick bay.
- Do not leave the school premises during school hours unless permission is granted by the school authority. Parents will be notified once permission is granted.
Behaviour and Conduct during Curriculum Time
We are responsible for our own learning. We have a positive learning mindset and we learn best in a conducive classroom environment.
- Be attentive in class and have an open and inquiring mind.
- Check your timetable and bring the relevant textbooks, workbooks and other necessary materials for each lesson.
- Hand in quality work and assignment and do your corrections promptly.
- Keep the classroom clean at all times. Consumption of food and drinks (except plain water) is not allowed in the classroom.
- Remain in your classroom throughout the lesson. Obtain a permission pass from the teacher and display it prominently before leaving the classroom.
- Switch off the lights and fans when the classroom is not in use.
- Move quietly and orderly from one classroom to another during the change of periods.
- Be responsible for your possessions in school. Refrain from bringing excessive cash or expensive items. The school will not be responsible for the loss of any personal items.
Attire in School
We take pride in our school uniform and choose to uphold the good name of our school in how we wear our uniform.
- Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and modification to the uniform is not allowed. The school uniform must be purchased from the school bookshop.
- Top: Short-sleeved (above elbow) White Shirt / Blouse / No. 1 T-shirt. Faded school badge must be replaced.
- Bottom: Navy Blue cotton-drill Shorts / Pants or Skirts.
- Pants: Pants should be with straight trouser-legs. Pants with alteration such as tapered or bell bottoms, drain-pipes, or pleats are strictly not allowed. This can be worn with a black belt with a simple buckle.
- Skirts: Skirts should be pleated, of sufficient length to cover part of the kneecap. Skirts are not to be folded at the waist nor should they be worn on the hips like hipster skirts. The hem of the skirt should touch the top of the knees.
- Tuck in the shirt / blouse at all times. Pant / Shorts / Skirt must be worn at the waist.
- Wear the school tie with shirt / blouse during the Lower / Upper Sec Pastoral Care period.
- Socks: White KCPSS socks. Socks should be worn above the ankles.
- Shoes: Sport shoes or school shoes should be totally white (with the exception of a thin line encircling the shoes). Sports shoes or school shoes of school councilors are totally black. Sandals can only be worn if you have a medical certificate.
- PE Attire: School No. 1 T-shirt and school PE shorts.
Appearance of Students (Boys)
We show our respect for self and others by being neat and well-groomed at all times.
- Hair is kept neat and tidy at all times. It should not be thick and unkempt.
- Hair does not touch any part of the ears when combed down.
- Hair must not grow longer than the hairline.
- Hair must not grow beyond the eyebrow when combed down.
- Hair cannot be styled outlandishly using hair-gel / hair-styling products. Outlandish hairstyles, “Beckham” or “spiky” hairstyles, streaking, colouring, highlighting or tinting of hair is strictly prohibited.
- No earrings, plastic sticks or piercing on any part of the body is allowed for boys.
- Be clean-shaven. Facial hair including moustache, goatee or long side burns is strictly prohibited.
Appearance of Students (Girls)
We show our respect for self and others by being neat and well-groomed at all times.
- Long fringe is to be kept off the front and the side of the face with black pins or black hair bands. All tendrils are to be pinned up neatly and not just swept behind your ears. Fringe must be kept above the eyebrow.
- Hair that covers the collar must be tied up neatly with plain black rubber bands or clips. No colourful or fanciful accessories are allowed. All hair clips, hair-bands and elastic bands must be black in colour.
- Colouring, highlighting or tinting of hair is not allowed.
- Girls are allowed to wear small round ear-studs (no more than 0.3cm in diameter), white or gold in colour, one in each lower lobe of the ears. Multiple ear-studs or ear-sticks are not to be worn.
- No piercing on any part of the body other than the ear is allowed for girls.
Appearance of Students (All Students)
We show our respect for self and others by being neat and well-groomed at all times.
- Jewelry, rings, friendship or coloured bands, necklaces, lockets, bracelets, anklets or any cosmetic ornaments are not to be worn. Permission must be granted by the school authority for religious ornaments.
- No make up is allowed in school.
- No tattoo or any form of body markings with inks, paints or dye is allowed.
- Nails must be kept short, clean and without nail polish.
- No coloured contact lenses or tinted spectacle lenses is allowed.
Use of School Canteen
We are a civil-minded community who has good social graces.
- Food and drinks are to be purchased only during recess time and after school (not during free periods).
- Queue in an orderly manner for the purchase of food and drinks.
- Consume food and drinks in the canteen only. No food and drinks (other than plain water) can be consumed outside the canteen.
- Clear your table after your meals. Return all used utensils to the respective bins provided by the stallholders.
- Keep the canteen clean. Dispose used cans, bottles, plastic bags and other litter into the rubbish bins.
Use of mobile phones / electronic devices
We are focused on our studies and desire to be free from distractions from learning. We are also responsible users of mobile phones and electronic devices.
- The use of all electronic devices such as mobile phones / portable music players / game consoles / camera is not allowed during lessons.
- Permission must be granted by the school authority for any audio / video recording in the school compound.
Note: It is impossible to list all possible offences. For offences which are not listed and for offences which may tarnish or hurt the school’s image, appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken at the discretion of the school.
The school reserves the right to make amendments to any school expectation stated in the handbook. The action taken may be determined on a case-by-case basis.